
New Doo

Those of you that I have talked with recently know that the wolverine growing on my head was completely out of control. I first noticed it over a month ago but I just ignored it, seeing it continued to grow I decided something needed to be done. I have hemmed and hawed about what to do with it and the longer I waited the bigger it got.

The thing about wolverines is that they are rare here in Korea as a result not very many people know how to take care of them.  When ever I brought up the topic there was someone who had experienced destruction and was willing to share, too short, uneven, the opposite of what was asked for and just plain bad. I have heard of more tragedies than Shakespeare could write in one hundred lifetimes. Needless to say I was not overly excited by the prospect of having my own story to share.

But seeing that something had to be done I made my way over to a hair place that I had been told had head massages with you haircut. Worst case senario my head would feel much better than it looked. After a short wait they showed me to a chair and asked what I wanted,

I tried to explain as best I could. After a few blank expressions they pulled out a book and started flipping through, "Point" they said. None of the pictures looked like something I wanted to have on my head and so I took a risk and just said shorter. "Shorter?" they asked. I nodded, closed my eyes and held my breath. They cut for a while and then told me to follow them to another place where I got my hair washed and my head massaged. Then they cut until they said finished at which point I opened my eyes and took a breath.

As you can see, it's not a lot shorter but it is also pretty alright.

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