
Geoje-Busan Link Bridge

I finally was with in eyesight of the Geoje-Busan Link Bridge before they turned the lights out for the night. As it turns out it looks much better with the lights on. Here is a picture of it.

I will try to get one from closer one of these days, if it doesn't get to cold.


  1. JP Ruby26/10/11

    Hey yo Dougg. HOw are you dooing? Did ya getta my email lately? ANyhow, hope you're doing fine and such. Hey, have you had any maple syrup since you bean in Korea? Just wonderin'. Ok take the utmostest care. Talk to you later then. -Josh

  2. hi. i just got a job offer from a company in Geoje and was looking for something about Geoje eventually found your blog.i will add to my favorite page. thanks !
