
KFC - Korean Fried Chicken

Just in case you are wondering Annabelle was waiting for me right where she said she would be so I took her home with me. Story and pictures to follow in the next few days.

In other news last week upon my return from Busan I was hungry and so decided to finally try some fried chicken. It seems like fried chicken is huge here. I assume this fact(yes) from the fried chicken restaurants that are on every single block. Just to give you a scale of it, with in a one block radius of my house there are 5 different fried chicken specific restaurants.

To get a taste of this Korean delicacy I decided to try out Mexicana, the newest restaurant on my block.  Initially when the sign went up for Mexicana four weeks ago I got quite excited at the prospect of having a mexican restaurant so close. But it was it was in vain as Mexicana is not a mexican restaurant, and as I have since found out it is a chain.

It went down just as I expected it would, I walked in pointed at a picture of what I wanted, they took out the calculator and showed me the price and 15 minutes later I walked out with freshly made chicken.

My order was half an order of regular fried chicken and half an order of sweet and tangy chicken. It came with pickled radishes and a coke for 16000 won.

I think that it is meant to be shared by two people but I had little problem finishing all of it in one sitting. It tasted fantastic and I would definitely recommend it but keep in mind that this is my first fried chicken in Korea. I will let you know how the next place compares.

In addition to telling you my trip motorcycle trip home today, I made it to Sky Pizza yesterday so I will let you know how that went as well.

1 comment:

  1. This explain why when I was in South Africa, the Koreans always wanted me to come to KFC with them.
